Thank Someone For a Speech or Presentation

It seems everyone I talk to wants me to express appreciation for your inspiring presentation last week. Your years of research, your depth of understanding of user interfaces, and your ability to present the subject in such an interesting way produced one of the most memorable evenings in our group's history. I personally appreciated your approach to anticipating users' intents. The subject intrigues me, and I plan to learn more. Please consider adding our group to your annual speaking tour. You are always welcome at our conference.

Letter #2

Thank you for speaking to the Doe Alumni yesterday evening. We are grateful for the time and effort you took to share your thoughts and experiences with the Doe Development office.

Since we are entering a new growth phase on our campus, your comments were very timely. I believe we can benefit immediately from the methods you suggested for recruiting more members. Your enthusiasm is contagious, and we hope to use your suggestions in our next campaign. Thank you again for your contribution.

Letter #3

Thank you for your stimulating speech at last month's meeting of the Springfield Genealogical Society. Your comments were especially helpful to those doing research in the British Isles. Many members were at a standstill in their progress, and your talk seemed to provide much needed help. Thanks again for a truly memorable evening. We hope you can join us again.

Letter #4

Please accept our sincere appreciation for the outstanding presentation you made to the Springfield Women's Club about your experiences in China. It was very interesting to hear about your experience teaching in the university there. Your stories about your Chinese colleagues were fascinating. The slides you showed gave us a close look at the land, culture, and people that we couldn't have gained in any other way. Thank you so much for sharing your time and experiences with us. We all agreed that your lecture was the most interesting we have had this year.

Letter #5

I would like to personally thank you for your presentation to the Kansas Education Association Conference in October. Judging from the comments of those who attended, the conference was very successful. Most of the credit goes to you and the others who gave such interesting presentations.

We hope that you will want to be involved in our conference next year. We will send you a call-for-presenters form as we get closer to next year's convention. We were pleased to have your participation in this outstanding conference, and we thank you for your valuable contribution.

Letter #6

Thank you for taking the time to speak to our student body on the dangers of drug abuse. I felt that your remarks on prescription drug use and abuse were especially timely.

We truly appreciate parents like you who are willing to give their time and talents to enrich the lives of our young people.

Letter #7

I appreciated the remarks you made at the City Council meeting on Tuesday. You had clearly researched the subject, and many of us felt that yours was a voice of sanity in the midst of an emotional and divisive discussion. I wish that more people would try to see all sides of the issues that come up.

No matter how the final vote goes, I want you to know that what you said had a significant impact on many of us. Thank you.

How to Write this Thank-You Letter: Expert Tips and Guidelines

Whether you are writing a thank you note out of duty or from your personal desire to express thanks, use a sincere tone. Mention specific details and show that the speech or presentation did have an effect.


  1. Thank and compliment the speaker(s) or presenter(s).
  2. Express congratulations for an excellent performance, and point out some of the more memorable parts. If the performance was only mediocre, simply thank the person(s) for participating in the program.
  3. Close with a second compliment or expression of appreciation.

Write Your thank-you in Minutes: Easy Step-by-Step Guide with Sample Sentences and Phrases

1 Thank and compliment the speaker(s) or presenter(s).

Sample Sentences for Step 1

Key Phrases for Step 1

2 Express congratulations for an excellent performance, and point out some of the more memorable parts. If the performance was only mediocre, simply thank the person(s) for participating in the program.

Sample Sentences for Step 2

Key Phrases for Step 2

3 Close with a second compliment or expression of appreciation.

Sample Sentences for Step 3

Key Phrases for Step 3