Registration & Records

The Antioch University Registrar’s office is a virtual office that serves the entire university system. The Registrar’s office oversees registration, grading, transfer credit processing, changes in academic programs or student status, degree audit support, the academic standing (SAP) review process, degree conferral, and transcript production, as well as many other key functions. The Registrar’s office works closely with the Student Services office for each academic unit to ensure personalized, accurate and timely assistance. The best way to contact the Registrar’s office is through email:


With some exceptions, students at Antioch register themselves using an online registration system. Students access registration through AUView within the Antioch portal.

Priority Registration

Continuing students are assigned registration times based on their academic program’s procedures. Students may register at their starting time, or at any time following until the first day of the campus term. New students register either during orientation, or with continuing students at a later start date, in accordance with their academic program’s procedures.

Priority Registration for Veteran and Military Connected Students

Veterans, active or reserve service members, and dependent students receiving VA Education Benefits are eligible for priority registration at Antioch University.

Priority Registration Requests

Students using VA education benefits are automatically assigned priority registration upon enrollment.
Students that are not using education benefits, will need to provide documentation of active duty or veteran status to the University Director of Veteran and Military Connected Student Affairs (, the Antioch Registrar’s office ( or the campus SCO. Once documentation is verified, students will have access to priority registration until they graduate. You only need to show your documentation one time to remain eligible.

Acceptable Documentation for Priority Registration

Students can verify their eligibility for priority registration with the one of the following pieces of acceptable documentation:

*Per Title 18, U.S. Code Part I, Chapter 33, Section 701, it is illegal to copy military identification cards.

Questions about acceptable documentation or priority registration can be directed to the University Director of Veteran and Military Connected Student Affairs (, Antioch Registrar’s office (, or the campus SCO.

Late Registration

Students are expected to be registered no later than the first day of each term. Students who do not register until the first day of the term or later will be charged a late registration fee of $100.

Registration and Holds

Students may be prevented from registering if there are pending issues. Pending issues may include: financial obligations, submission of required materials, advisor contact, or other matters. Information about resolving holds may be obtained through your Student Services office.


Most Antioch classes will maintain an electronic waitlist if the class fills to capacity. Students are placed on the waitlist in order of their attempts to register for the class. If a seat opens on the waitlist during the registration and the add-drop period, you will receive an email through your Antioch email account. You will have a designated period of time to register for the available seat. If you do not register in that time, the seat becomes available to the next person on the waitlist. On occasion, department or program chairs may override the waitlist at their professional discretion.


Students must attend or participate in class regularly from the start. Students who have not attended or participated at all by the end of the add/drop period will be de-registered from that class, which may also affect financial aid awards and enrollment reporting.

Instructional Method/Course Modality

The instructional method defines the modality of course delivery. All approved instructional methods appear on each course section. Courses taught with a mix of face to face and online components are expected to list multiple instructional methods. The following list is not exhaustive, but these are the most common modalities that students will encounter.


Students have approximately the first 20% of the length of each registered class to make add/drop decisions. Classes may be added or dropped using online registration during this period. No charges are assessed for add/drop activity. Classes dropped during the add/drop period do not appear on transcripts, and generally receive 100% refund, unless all classes for the term are being dropped (in which case a proportional refund calculation is assessed).

If your classes start later than a week after the term begins, or end earlier than a week before the term ends, the add/drop and refund period for the class may differ from the full-term dates. Detail into each section record for specific add/drop information (example below):

Section Registration Dates

Registration Deadline: 04/13/20XX
Add Deadline: 04/20/20XX
Drop Deadline w/ 100% tuition refund: 04/20/20XX
Late Drop Period w/ 0% tuition refund (W grade): 04/21/20XX to 04/20/20XX
Term Withdrawal (drop all courses for term): Based on the campus term withdrawal refund schedule.

Classes dropped during the “Late Drop Period” appear on the transcript with a grade of W, and no refund is issued (unless all classes for the term are being dropped, in which case a proportional refund calculation is assessed). Once the Late Drop Period has ended for a class, it may no longer be dropped.

Short courses: Courses lasting 10 days or fewer use a common add/drop schedule: Courses may be added until the day before the class begins. A short course may be dropped up to one week (7 days) before the class starts for a full refund and no transcript notation. If dropped in the week before the class starts (1-6 days prior), no refund is available and no transcript notation. If a student fails to attend, no refund is available and a grade of No Credit is awarded.

If all classes for a term are being dropped (due to withdrawing from the university, taking a leave of absence, or just dropping the only class for which you are registered), your refund, if any, will be calculated on a proportional basis. Contact your Student Services office for more information.

Concurrent Enrollment

With prior approval, Antioch students may register for classes elsewhere while enrolled at Antioch, and may have their registration elsewhere included in their enrollment reporting and their financial aid calculations. Students must receive prior approval from their advisor and home location. Only courses determined in advance as transferable and applicable to the student’s degree requirements are guaranteed to be accepted.

Academic Load

Student academic load is the student status associated with the amount of credits taken by the student in a given term. If a program is based upon the semester system, the number of credits required is semester credits. If the program is based upon the quarter system, the number of credits required is quarter credits. For more details, refer to policy 5.617 Student Academic Load and Class Standing.

Full-Time Load

Undergraduate students who register for 12 or more credits per term are classified as full-time students.
Graduate students who register for 6 or more credits per term are classified as full-time students.

Three-Quarter-Time Load

Undergraduate students who register for fewer than 12 but at least 9 credits per term may be classified as three-quarter-time students, as needed for funding purposes.
Three-quarter time academic load is not applicable to graduate students.

Half-Time Load

Undergraduate students who register for fewer than 12 but at least 6 credits per term are classified as half-time students.
Graduate students who register for fewer than 6 but at least 3 credits per term are classified as half-time students.

Part-Time Load

Undergraduate students who register for 5 or fewer credits per term are classified as part-time undergraduate students.
Graduate students who register for 2 or fewer credits per term are classified as part-time students.

Credit Load By Academic Level

Three-Quarter Time Load

Grading Systems

Since 1968, Antioch University has rejected the use of letter grades as an insufficient assessment of student learning. All learning activities at Antioch receive either Credit or No Credit, and a narrative evaluation that provides a qualitative overview of the learning achievements for the course, and the student’s success in attaining those achievements.

Faculty written evaluation of student work is at the core of Antioch University’s historic educational philosophy and is a foundation of its pedagogy. All AU undergraduate and graduate courses and other learning activities that take place outside of the classroom, such as clinical training, field-based work, and prior learning, are evaluated in the Student Learning Evaluation (SLE) written by instructors and submitted electronically at the end of the academic term. The SLE summarizes the student’s achievement of the learning objectives of the course and the degree program as they are listed on the SLE form. The instructor will indicate Credit Awarded, No Credit, Incomplete, or In-progress (if applicable) for the learning activity on the SLE.

Although the AU system of evaluating student performance is non-letter graded, minimum equivalents are maintained. A graduate-level SLE with Credit Awarded indicates that the student would have earned a minimum of a “B”, if grades were given. An undergraduate SLE with Credit Awarded indicates that the student would have earned a minimum of a “C”, if grades were given.

SLEs are part of a student’s official academic record maintained by the Office of the University Registrar. A student may specify that the Registrar attach a copy of these evaluations to the student’s official transcript when the student requests a transcript be sent to parties outside of the University.

In accordance with Antioch’s policy on narrative evaluation students receive final evaluations and indication of credit within 10 business days of the end of the term in which the class was taken. This applies to students in both in-person and distance education programs

Courses receive “grades” as follows:

All grades except INP and AU factor into the calculation of a student’s academic standing status. All grades appear on the official transcript.

Under certain circumstances, letter grade equivalents may be issued for courses, and if so, the Registrar’s office may be able to provide confirmation of these equivalents, or to calculate a GPA equivalent. The decision to issue letter grade equivalents or not is made by each academic program or department. Letter grade equivalents or GPA equivalents do not appear on official transcripts.

Audit option: Students interested in attending Antioch classes without earning credit may register on an audit basis. Decisions about attending on a credit or audit basis must be made by the end of the add/drop period for the class, and may not be changed subsequently. Individual instructors determine the participation requirements for auditing students. Audited classes appear on the transcript with a grade of AU.

Academic Standing Review

At the end of every term, students are evaluated in accordance with Antioch University’s Academic Standing policy ( based on their percentage of completion of attempted credit. Students may be placed on Warning, Probation, or may be Recommended for Withdrawal. Students are also evaluated for their time to completion of their program. Communications about academic standing status are sent through Antioch email, and are shared with advisors. Other than withdrawals, academic standing statuses may be appealed only on the basis of error. The University’s Financial Aid Office bases their evaluation of students’ Satisfactory Academic Standing on the Academic Standing review conducted by the Registrar’s office.

Student Record Updates

The Registrar’s office processes changes in academic program or concentrations, name or contact info changes, and requests for leaves of absence or withdrawals. It is the student’s responsibility to maintain accurate information by notifying the Registrar’s office of any changes.

Continuous Enrollment Policy

Antioch students are expected to remain continuously enrolled in coursework for the duration of their academic programs. Students therefore should always fall into one of three categories: Enrolled, on Hiatus, or Graduated/Withdrawn. These categories are defined as follows:


If you are registered for credit-bearing coursework, or registered for 0-credit courses that are created for purposes of thesis or dissertation work, or other work that represents new learning as defined by your academic program, you are considered “enrolled.” Tuition and fees are charged, you may be eligible for federal financial aid, your enrollment status is reported to the National Student Clearinghouse, enrollment activity appears on transcript and you are evaluated for academic standing status and Satisfactory Academic Progress.


If you are not registered but have neither completed your program nor withdrawn, you will be on “hiatus” (or leave of absence). You may request a leave, or may be placed on leave by your academic program or by the university. If requesting a leave, your request must be reviewed by your advisor to ensure that you are aware of the potential impact of a leave. If you request a leave during a term, your current registration will be dropped, with refunds and grades being granted according to university policy.

Non-Registration: If you do not register for a term but have not requested a leave of absence, you will be placed on an Administrative leave for one term. If you do not register the term following an administrative leave, you will be administratively withdrawn.

Non-Attendance: If you are reported as not attending any classes for a term, your classes for the term will be dropped at the end of the add/drop period, all charges are reversed, all financial aid is canceled, and you are placed on an Administrative Leave of Absence.

The following conditions apply to students on Hiatus: