United States of America

Legal Title: Air Transport Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America March 12, 2007 Agreement signed and in force Legal Title: Preclearance Agreement January 18, 2001 Signed May 2, 2003 In force

2. Other Instruments

June 30, 1995 NAX0047- Canadian government confirmation of grandfathered cargo co-terminal right (UPS) May 25 & June 12, 2000 Exchange of notes on designation June 12, 2000 Exchange of notes amending Article 10 (Third country carrier code-sharing)

3. Characterization of Bilateral Agreement

The Canada - USA Agreement is an open skies type agreement. Any number of airlines may be designated for service pursuant to the Agreement.

4. Routes and Associated Rights

Scheduled Services

Charter Services

Stopover Provisions